Benefits Of Vermi composting And Composting In Singapore!

3 min read

Waste management is crucial. From the point of view of the environment, it is necessary. But if we look at it from the point of view of ecological balance, it is also important. In a single day, we generate a lot of waste that consists of electronic waste, dry waste, wet waste, biomedical waste, etc. There is a lot more classification of waste, that you can look up further if you are interested.

But today we will discuss the management of wet waste and the compost that can be prepared from it. Vermicomposting is another form of composting that we will see further.

What is vermicomposting?

Vermicomposting refers to the form of waste management wherein the compost is prepared by making the use of earthworms. The word is made up of two words ‘vermin” meaning the animals that feed on waste and “composting” meaning, making compost.


Why is vermicomposting preferred over other forms or simple forms of composting?

Why vermicomposting is preferred is because of the following reasons:

  • The time of decomposition is reduced or almost eliminated.
  • The rate of compost preparation is faster.
  • The smell of the decomposed matter is also not observed.

The only care that you need to take is for the earthworms. Addition of water and turning off the top layer of soil.

What are the benefits of using vermicomposting?

Vermicomposting apart from the rate of processing has also proven to give out positive results. One of which includes the number of nutrients that get incorporated into the soil. And it is evenly spread throughout the pit. With time the earthworms will breed and will produce more worms. They will also then help in the composting process. Thereby accelerating the process even more.

What care you should take while doing the composting?

  • You should not add the meat into the composting bin or pit. Because it will generate a foul smell.
  • Maintain the minimum amount of water required for the compost to form. Do not let it dry.
  • Keep turning the top layer of soil at certain and regular intervals. Make sure that intervals are uniform.
  • If you are adding more peels, add more dry leaves to make them equal in proportions. And don’t forget to layer it evenly.

These are the points that you must keep in mind while practicing composting in singapore. Hence, there are many more things that you need to take care of.

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